Certificate of correction


It is a document  submitted to the violation issuing agency to close out an open violation after it was satisfactory cured

How to deal with it? It is best to address NOVs as soon as possible, especially for class 1 violations. The civil penalties for dragging your feet can rise to $25,000 dollars. Basically, only the Certificate of Correction will stop the clock.

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To remove a DOB violation from a property record, the condition must be corrected and proof of that correction must be provided to the issuing unit.
Definition: Certificate of correction – Look at

  Certificate of correction   – link to NYC Codes Dictionary

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Class of violation

building codes nycCLASS OF VIOLATION.

Definition: Class of violation portrays how serious the infraction appears to be to the inspector, and dictates the civic penalties assessed by the administrative judges as well as the time schedules to attain approval on submitted certification of correction    

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We recognize class 1, class 2, or class3 of violation

which on is the most important?

Class 1 violation needs to be corrected immediately and carries the heaviest civil penalties.

Class 3 violation is the least hazardous and allows owners ample time to resolve the underlying issues. While class 2 is considered somewhere in between.

Class of violation   – link to NYC Codes Dictionary

Unravel Codes – Understanding Codes in Layman’s terms.
https://www.unravelcodes.com    Call us at: (718) 326 8653.
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Email us: Info@UnravelCodes.com.

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Iqarius Creation Group   September 2022

Copyright 2009 – 2022© Project IQ-@rius. The expert website for ignorants. projekt.iqarius.pl

Failure to comply NYC building codes

codes nycFailure to comply NYC buiding codes.

Definition: This is a term used on Notice of Violation to indicate that the violating condition recorded on a previous NOV has not been corrected in time allotted. Amount of time allotted depended on the Class of Violation.

Do not follow the message on the picture. You cannot win with DOB. It is best to address NOVs as soon as possible, especially for class 1 violations. The civil penalties for dragging your feet can rise to $25,000 dollars. Basically, only the Certificate of Correction will stop the clock. 

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Most Common Violations

Failing to Provide Adequate Heat and Hot Water

Failing to maintain the inside temperature at 68 degrees when the outside temperature is below 55 degrees during the day, or maintain at 55 degrees when the outside temperature is below 40 degrees at night is one of the most common violations. Additionally, hot water with a minimum temperature of 120 degrees must be provided at all times.

Absent Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors

Owners are required to provide at least one carbon monoxide and one smoke detector in each long-term tenant’s dwelling or commercial space, though tenants are responsible for maintaining them properly. Detectors should be the type that beeps when the battery runs low.

Door and Window Locks That Require a Key to Exit

In an emergency situation, pausing to search for a key in order to get out of a building could be deadly.

Mold and Pests

Tenants are responsible for maintaining a level of cleanliness to prevent overgrowth of indoor mold or attracting pests, but conditions that go unchecked, resulting in excessive mold or vermin, are the owner’s responsibility.

Lack of Accessibility

Title III of the Americans Disabilities Act (ADA) is the most relevant of the ADA’s five titles for architects, builders, and others designing, constructing, and managing buildings and its constantly changing.

Our DICTIONARY > Failure co comply  

Unravel Codes – Understanding Codes in Layman’s terms.
https://www.unravelcodes.com    Call us at: (718) 326 8653.
Look for us on social media: Instagram · Facebook · LinkedIn.
Email us: Info@UnravelCodes.com.

© 2022 Unravel Codes.

Iqarius Creation Group   September 2022

Copyright 2009 – 2022© Project IQ-@rius. The expert website for ignorants. projekt.iqarius.pl

What can bloggers sell?

blog iqariusHow to begin?

What can bloggers sell?
Here are a few suggestions to monetize your blog:

Sell merchandise. Do you have a high rate of return visitors to your blog? Do you recognize the same names appearing in the comments of posts or on social media? You may be surprised, but to your most loyal fans, you’re an everyday part of their lives. In their household, you’re a celebrity, and they’d love the opportunity to wear a shirt or drink from a mug with your brand name. You could even sell merch with your most popular catchphrases or other “inside jokes” that make your followers feel connected. If you’re not 100% confident about what will appeal to your fans, try selling items in advance or consider print-on-demand so you don’t end up with extra inventory.

Sell guides or eBooks. This is a fantastic way to monetize your greatest asset — your content! What are your most popular posts? How can you incorporate them into one comprehensive guide? For example, if you’re a woodworker, you could take inspiration from your top ten posts and create “The Beginners Guide to Woodworking,” with tons of fresh examples, FAQs, photos, and resources. Create something of value for the people who already love your content, and they’ll support you.

Sell access to online communities or forums. This gives your readers the opportunity to interact with one another, ask questions, and really build a community around your brand. Think of this option as your own social media platform — but with greater flexibility and control. If you blog about parenting toddlers, for example, you could open up a forum to the parents that follow you. They can post ideas for summer activities and preschool lunches, benefit from their shared experiences, and even have an opportunity to connect directly with you!

Accept tips or donations. Lots of people love to tip the content creators they follow on a regular basis. Give them the opportunity to do so! You don’t have to be pushy, either. If you’re a travel blogger, you could simply have a button on your posts that says, “Contribute to my next adventure!” Many vloggers have found this to be quite successful, accepting “super chats” on YouTube during live streams. But YouTube and other platforms take as much as 30%. When you do something similar through your own site, more of your supporters’ donations make it through to their intended recipient — you!
Sell consultations or online courses. Now that you’ve built a loyal, interested following, many of them would be willing to pay for a more in-depth dive into your area of expertise. You could sell photography courses, for instance, or personalized workout consultations.
Offer a paid newsletter subscription. Sell exclusive access to your best content, available to subscribers as an email newsletter. A paid newsletter subscription is an incredibly powerful way to generate recurring revenue while creating content that you love.

Unravel Codes – Understanding Codes in Layman’s terms.
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Email us: Info@UnravelCodes.com.

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Iqarius Creation Group
September 2022